Friday, June 27, 2008

Phoenix Musuem of History

After visiting the Carver Musuem, Lynn and I had lunch in Heritage Square at the Rose and Crown. From there, we went to the Phoenix Musuem of History. It was the first time either of us had visited the museum. The museum's plus is that it is interactive. They have little signs that tell you what you can and cannot touch. There barrel display is set up so that you can smell what was stored in the barrels, and take guesses before discover the answer. The negative is that the signage wasn't great. There were many displays that lacked explaination.

Lastly, we decided to stop by Steele Indian School Park to see if they have made any progress. There are three historic buildings at the park that are one day supposed to be rennovated as a Native American Cultural Center. It appears that the funding still hasn't happened...the buildings are there, but boarded up and without progress.

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